
[BTS #5] A Dynamic & Evolving Course

Welcome to the 5th edition of the BTS of Bootcamp: Body Recomposition Course.

Your thoughts and feedback have really helped me shape this course to be even better.

Before you make your purchase, I want to make sure we are on the same page.

So, let’s chat about what makes “Bootcamp: Body Recomposition” so unique:

#1: A Science-Backed Approach to Fitness

This program is more than just a set of exercises. It’s a carefully designed journey, grounded in the science of High-Intensity Resistance Training (HIRT).

There isn’t a best or single way to get lean or build muscle. But this is one of MY best ways.

I’ve distilled the most effective methods to ensure that you’re not just working out, but working out smartly. This program is about understanding your body and how to make impactful changes.

#2: Continuous Improvement and Expansion

Fitness and health are huge topics, with each aspect deserving its own deep dive. Each topic covered could be its own 10-hour course, really.

While the core of the program covers essential fitness and nutrition principles, I’m committed to expanding the content as needed. As I receive feedback and new scientific insights emerge, I’ll add new modules and bring in experts to delve into more specialized topics.

So with this in mind, the course currently covers beginner, intermediate, and advanced tactics, but the emails you receive are short and impactful, full of actionable steps for the day that will progress you to your goal.

To be brutally honest with you, I’m not the world’s leading expert in fat loss or muscle growth.

But as a fitness coach, athlete, and someone interested in exercise science, I can say that I have performed at the top level and have gotten incredible results from the people I’ve trained with these methods.

That’s what I’m sharing with you.

#3: Commitment to Your Growth

This isn’t just another fitness course; it’s a long-term commitment to your health and well-being. I’m here to support your journey, not just at the beginning but as a continuous partner in your fitness journey. The course will evolve, ensuring that it remains relevant, effective, and in line with the latest fitness research.

I’m not just going to launch this, make money, and then move on.

This is going to be one of my flagship products, on that will improve with age.

How? Well, we all age! So as we do, our methods will change along with the course, we will integrate new research, and the course will get better.

While I will be increasing the price of the course over time, you will have lifetime access to the content, letting you start or restart at any time you like to check out the upgrades.

My Promise to You:

I’m dedicated to providing you with the tools and knowledge to achieve your body recomposition goals. This course is about empowering you to make informed decisions about your health and fitness, based on proven methods and personal experience.

With your dedication and my guidance, I’m confident you’ll see transformative results.

Thank you for your trust and feedback. If you are one of the few that has shared exactly what it is that you need from this course, it’s your input that shapes this, ensuring it meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. So thanks!

Looking forward to seeing your progress in “Bootcamp: Body Recomposition”!

The course launches Jan, 30th 2024.

See you next week,

Tee Major

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