
The “3 S Protocol” to stay motivated

Some days, you just don’t feel the motivation mojo.

You feel more like Jabba the Hutt than Chuck Norris. You’re just not… inspired.

Well, guess what: Neither am I or any of the most influential fitness fanatics you see on social.

The myth of “motivation”

There are three myths about exercise and proper nutrition — and good habits in general:

  1. You have to be “inspired” to do them.
  2. You should always be “motivated” to do them.
  3. “Experts” are always motivated to do them.


Even for coaches like me, there is no such thing as permanent motivation. The truth is, nobody will always be “motivated” or “inspired”.

Motivation comes and goes. Some days, it’s awesome — you are full of zest and mojo and ready to kick life in the ass.

Some days that motivation will go MIA. You’ll consider wetting the bed because it feels like too much effort to crawl out to the bathroom.

But it doesn’t matter.

You don’t need motivation or inspiration to stick to healthy habits.

What differentiates someone who gets results from someone who struggles is not motivation…but Action.

Those dedicated to change hunker down and find ways to get the job done, regardless of how they feel.

Action before motivation.

We assume that motivation and inspiration — in other words, a particular mental state — come before action.

Sometimes that’s true.

Most of the time, it’s not.

Action often occurs before motivation and that desired mental state.

For instance, let’s say one day you decide to go for a walk. You’re not really inspired per se, but your brain feels fuzzy and you feel like some fresh air could help.

At first, you just sort of clump along, staring at the ground.

After 5 or 10 minutes, the brisk breeze starts to clear the cobwebs.

You stand taller and breathe more deeply. Your stride lengthens and your hips loosen up. Now you’re walking proud. You have direction. The movement is giving you energy.

Like Tony Robbins says ’emotion is energy-in-motion’…

Then after 20-30 minutes, you finish that walk on a high.

Your brain fuzz is gone, replaced by crystal-clear thoughts. Your body is energized. You feel re-engaged with life and the universe. Now you’ve found that motivated mental state to crush other tasks.

What changed? You acted first.

I hear the same daily from my clients and the difference they feel AFTER our workouts.

The 3 “Ss”

We all try to rely on motivation and inspiration to get up and keep us going.

But motivation and inspiration are like cats: They’re fickle in their affections, and they tend to disappear when you want them around.

You can’t depend on cats. Nor can you depend on motivation and inspiration.

Instead, I encourage you to use the 3 S’s:

 * Structure

 * Systems

 * Scheduling


Structures are the things and environments that surround us that make our habits done-for-you and convenient, like our short HIRT workouts in the Sqwod app.

The on-demand workouts make it convenient to get in a workout before or after work.

Ask yourself: Is your fitness program convenient to access? (That will make a huge difference to help you achieve your goals)


Systems are the processes and practices we use to make things happen successfully.

For example — the HIRT workouts I build always include a push, pull, cardio, core, and leg exercise. Before that, we have a specific 5-minute dynamic mobility warm-up routine that prepares us to move safely and effectively to maximize the workout.

Ask yourself: Is there a method to the madness of my workouts? Or am I just combining exercises that make me tired, and will lead to repetitive stress?


You don’t just wait for the morning when you feel like going to the dentist. You book an appointment because you know it needs to be done.

Likewise, I don’t just wait till inspiration strikes — I schedule my workouts in the Sqwod app. Then I know that at 7 am on Monday for 30 minutes, I will be taking that time for myself.

Ask yourself: Are you just winging your workouts and hoping you get in a few a week?

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Book time with yourself just like they book any other appointment.

Make it a time priority, put it into your calendar, and stick to it.

So today, as you get ready for another week, think about at least one of the 3 Ss.

How could you make an “S” — some kind of structure, system, or scheduling — work for your fitness goals?


This is your invitation to be a part of a major shift in the way we stay fit and fuel our minds and bodies. 

Click here to learn more about the Bootcamp Course.

(On the above page, be sure to click the “Join The Waitlist” button to join the waitlist. I’m also going to be sharing exclusive behind-the-scenes updates to the waitlist.)

Routine Stability vs. Spontaneity: Finding Your Ideal Workout Flow

[BTS #1] Why I’m building the Bootcamp Course